Get Active - Superior Play Systems®

Archive for Get Active


Four Ways Kids Will Have Fun and Exercise Too

In today’s fast-paced world, ensuring kids stay active and healthy can be a challenge. Enter the world of backyard fun with trampolines and swing sets — perfect solutions for combining exercise with play. In this blog, Superior Play Systems will explore four engaging ways these playful installations can promote physical activity and joy among children. […]

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National Playground Safety Week 2022

  National Playground Safety Week 2022 Did you know that April 25-29th is National Playground Safety Week?! Playground safety is important every week of the year, but this week we want to take time to remind everyone of important things you can do to keep all children safe while playing on playgrounds all year long. […]

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DIY Playground Transformations

DIY Playground Transformations DIY playground decor is a great way to transform your playground while getting kids involved in the transformation and decoration process. A few children’s activities you can do together to make your playground more unique include the following. Decorating Cardboard Boxes Make them look like castles, pirate ships or other themes. With […]

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Rules for Playground Etiquette

Now that children are back to school and spending time on the playground at recess, it’s a great time to review playground manners. When children get together on the playground, conflict can happen. A few basics of playground etiquette to go over include the following: Taking Turns at Recess It can be hard for younger […]

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How to Encourage Imagination in Outdoor Play

How to Encourage Imagination in Outdoor Play Outdoor play on its own is great for child development. It creates curiosity about the natural world, encourages children to play with all their senses, lets kids appreciate the environment and can encourage physical exercise. When combined with imagination play, however, outdoor play becomes even better for child […]

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How to Keep Kids Active During the Summer

How to Keep Kids Active During the Summer The last school bell just rang. Your kids are home for summer. Encourage them to stay active and outdoors instead of staying inside in front of a screen. Use the following activities to keep the whole family active and outdoors! Spring sports Many communities have spring sport […]

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Why Participating in Sports at a Young Age Is Beneficial

Why Participating in Sports at a Young Age Is Beneficial Even very young children can take part in youth sports. The exact age a child starts taking part in sports varies, and depends on child development and other factors. No matter how old your child is, though, there are many benefits to signing up your […]

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Healthy Habit New Year Resolutions to Make With Your Children

Healthy Habit New Year Resolutions to Make With Your Children It’s the time of year when many of us make New Year’s resolutions. If you have children, making resolutions together is a great way to make positive changes. New Year’s resolutions are also a wonderful opportunity to teach children about a healthy lifestyle and emphasize […]

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8 Lessons Kids Learn When Playing a Sport

8 Lessons Kids Learn When Playing a Sport Playing a sport can be a lot of fun. For children, it’s also an educational experience in many ways. Experts agree sports help teach children important life lessons, such as the following: 1. Teamwork Team sports require children to work together as a team. Children learn what […]

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The Benefits of Owning a Basketball Goal When You Have Children

  The Benefits of Owning a Basketball Goal When You Have Children Kids today are difficult to encourage towards getting involved in sports. Owning a basketball goal offers plenty of opportunities to get in shape, stay healthy and develop many positive characteristics all while in the comforts of your home. One great benefit to owning […]

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