You won’t have to stick your neck out too far to find fun on the Model SKP011 play structure. There are three different levels of platforms, the first level is made up of two square elevated platforms and is accessible by stairs, or an overhead horizontal ladder, there is also a wave slide attached to this level. The second level is made up of an equilateral trapezoid elevated platform and is accessible by a sea creature climber, it is also bordered by a safety barrier panel. The last level is made up of a square elevated platform and is accessible by a pod climber, it is bordered by a bubble panel, and has a spiral slide attached. A gear panel, a single drum, and a ship’s wheel make the Model SKP011 play structure ADA compliant. Pyramid roofs found above the play structure provide children with shade during sunny day play. This play structure is designed for children between the ages of 5 and 12 years old.
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