161104 A 4 9 CR001 (1)
161104 A 4 9 CR001 (1)
161104 A 4 9 CR001 (2)
161104 A 4 9 CR001 (3) DH
161104 A 4 9 CR001 (1)

SKP199 is a cleverly design play structure with plenty of great features which are geared towards satisfying all children who use it, regardless of their ages or favorite activities. This structure has something for everyone. Younger children will love the 3-foot Double Slide, which can be easily reached by using either the Transfer Station Stairs, or the vertical Snake Climber. On the opposite side of the structure there is a taller 4-foot Straight Slide which can be reached by climbing the slightly-more-advanced Vertical Ladder. This means that there is a more challenging and less challenging side to the structure, which is great for varied age groups. This also means that there are convenient entrances and exits on each side. In between the two slides, there is a Gear Panel, Bubble Panel, and Tic-Tac-Toe Panel. There is even a Store Panel hidden under one of the decks, which cleverly uses extra space to create a small walled-in dwelling with a roof

*Shipping available in the continental US


Model Number: SKP199 
Age Range: 2-12 years
Child Capacity: 27-32
Fall Height: 48″
Post Diameter: 3.5-inch
Product Type: Spark
Safety Zone: 21′ 3″ x 34′ 5″

ADA Accessibility

Elevated: 7 components
Ground Level: 2 components


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